Tulsi Leaves gun and Benefits :
The holy plant immediately comes to mind when we hear the name Tulsi. One such plant that is present in practically every Indian home is the tulsi plant; both the largest and smallest people grow it there. Installing it in your home is regarded as auspicious in India. This is supported by science in addition to religious belief, as tulsi has numerous health benefits. It is said that illnesses are prevented from entering the house because Tulsi plants are present in the courtyard. In the morning, Tulsi is worshipped by all Hindu women. For many years, tulsi has also been used as a medicine; its leaves and fruit stems both offer.
Hindus in India revere Tulsi as a goddess and perform ritualistic adoration of her. After Diwali, in Dev Uthani Ekadashi, or Gyaras, comes the well-known festival of Tulsi Vivah. Hindus undoubtedly give Tulsi to God in addition to Prasad. Numerous medications also contain tulsi. Using it at home makes many diseases easily treatable.
characteristics of basil leaves :
1.The fragrance fills the air with just one Tulsi plant.
2. It fixes the body’s internal issues.
3. Avoids coughing and colds.
4 . Makes the air purer.
5. The five digestive issues are resolved.
6 .Provides a sense of freshness.
Use of Tulsi Leaves :
All of the spots and acne disappear when you grind it and apply it to your face.
The body’s immunity is increased when water infused with basil is consumed.
This eliminates bad breath when consumed.
Many pains are treated with basil oil.
Basil is used to make a lot of drinks.
The Nutritional Value of Tulsi Leaves :
One cup, or 42 grammes, of basil leaves contains the following nutrients.
nutrient content and order
1. 1.3 grammes of protein
2. 38.7 grammes of water
3. 0.6 grammes of ash
4. 9.8 total calories
5. Sugars and Starches 1.1 grammes
6. 271 mg of total fat
7. 75 mg of calcium
8. 1.3 mg of iron
9. 1.7 mg of sodium
10. 125 mg of potassium
11. Twenty-seven milligrammes of magnesium
12. 24 mg of phosphorus
13. correspondingly, vitamin A, C, E, K, and B6 (2237 iu, 7.6 mg, 339 mcg, 176 mcg, and 66 mcg).
Benefits of Tulsi Leaf and Labh :
Tulsi comes in a variety of forms, which are displayed below.
Health Benefits of Tulsi Leaves :
lower the fever-
Because of its antimicrobial, antifungal, and antibiotic qualities, tulsi helps lower fever. Tulsi is effective in lowering fever, infections, and malaria. In Ayurveda, drinking tulsi decoction is the main recommendation when suffering from fever. When drank, this produces immediate relief. Children will especially benefit from this.
how to make a decoction-
In a ½ litre of water, add some basil leaves and cardamom powder. Boil until it reduces by half. It can also have sugar and milk added to it. Give it to the patient now every two to three hours.
combat diabetes-
The component that the body uses to make and sustain insulin is eliminated by tulsi. Tulsi lowers blood sugar, which helps manage diabetes.
reduce tension –
Tulsi is said to eliminate the hormones in the body that cause stress. Another name for it is an anti-stress agent. Tulsi promotes healthy blood circulation and helps all of our cells operate as intended. Eating basil is also advised by doctors in cases of extreme stress. Chewing ten to twelve basil leaves twice a day can significantly lessen excessive stress.
eliminate the kidney stone issue –
Tulsi can help people with kidney stones by relieving their symptoms. The main cause of kidney stones is an increase in blood uric acid. Uric acid can be lowered by tulsi. Because the oil in basil breaks down this type of stone and because basil is a mild analgesic, it also relieves kidney stone pain. Consequently, this is a home cure for the stone issue.
How to Apply –
Take out the basil juice and add honey to it. Now, sip it every day for a minimum of half a year. Without medical intervention, the kidney’s stones will eventually pass out.
beneficial for stopping smoking –
Anti-stress chemicals found in tulsi aid in smoking cessation. Stress reduction lessens the desire to smoke, which makes it easier to stop smoking. Take some basil leaves and chew them as soon as you get the urge to smoke cigarettes. Your craving will pass quickly. In addition, there is another advantage to chewing tulsi: it helps repair the harm that years of smoking can do to your body.